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Love the countryside? Enjoy beautiful churches? Why not join Ride+Stride on Saturday 14 September from 10 am – 1 pm. 

You can plan your Saturday walk between different landmarks while supporting our beautiful churches in the process. To find out more and plan your trip, visit Ride+Stride – NHCT (



New Service:

We are piloting a new service starting at 6.30 pm on Sunday 15 September, 20 October,17 November etc. 

Do also look out for our special SANCTUARY CAROLS 15 December at 6.30 pm!

All are welcome – especially those new to exploring faith. Whether you are a young professional, are getting married in the church or are simply seeking God, this is for you.  It will be a space for those looking for spiritual anchoring in a busy world. 

The service will be quiet and contemplative in form.